Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Wanna Ride?

I got up at 6:15 am to take a coffee shot and walk Buck before setting out for my first appointment of the day with my neurologist. I made an 8 am appointment because this man talks so much that by afternoon, he's backed up by 2 hours. My nerves are fine, although I can't feel my right toe.

On to phototherapy, a 2-minute visit that takes me 15 because I have to undress and then dress. Then it was off to the hospital to get my Vidaza injection. By the time I got home, it was after 11 and I was starving, having forgotten to grab a snack before I set out. I felt much better after an early lunch.

I spent the early afternoon working on financial things, but I was soon in the car again driving through snow flurries for my final appointment of the day, physical therapy. My workout was intense, but my shoulder felt better at the end. I drove home, arriving at sunset. I'd clocked 102 miles for the day.

I know people drive further for medical treatment. I used to when I lived in Rhode Island. Yesterday, though, felt like a marathon. I just had to keep on keeping on.

After nearly falling asleep in my dinner, I went to bed at 8 and slept until 6:30 this morning. Today, I only have one appointment, and that's to get my injection. How did I get myself into this mess?

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