Saturday, April 19, 2008

Is Blogging Bad for Your Health?

Ah, the stress of keeping up with your blog. For serious bloggers, i.e. those who get paid to blog, or those who're trying to build a reputation in the blogosphere, the pressures of regular posting have resulted in serious health issues, including the worst issue of all, an earlier than expected demise. Maybe a blog about your health is an inherently bad idea. Since I receive no renumeration for this (really), and don't feel particularly pressed to write 3 or so entries a week, I think I'm probably okay.

It's supremely gorgeous outside today. The forsythia hedge is breaking like a huge yellow wave on a sea of green. How's that for a nature simile? Right after breakfast I set up barbershop on the back deck and gave my guys haircuts. Yes, I remembered to apply sunscreen. That way, the hair stuck nicely. Lest you think I was grooming the dogs (a reportable offense), I want it to be understood that I was grooming the humans. My husband and sons look very handsome now.

Think I'll unplug and take in some nature. Speaking of nature, here's a riot of it. Mariel took this photo last week in the Galapagos Islands.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...


Ah, the stress of wanting to keep up with reading your plog.( with pleasure, of course.!!

I remember well the colleg tours with my son Daniel, who hadno outstanding athletic talents and less than mediocre grades. O am sure that Mark witll get into a school that takes into consideration the whole person, not just the academic person.
Of course that is the way it should be for all schools,but......

Loved your blog and quotation obout looking death in the face.

Happy Passover to you all!!
(I am glad seder nights are over)


Anonymous said...

oops, I did not edit my comments prior to sending to you. Bad typing skills!! Sorry for all the
