Thursday, April 22, 2010

Cancer Check

Last time I had a mammogram, in 2008, I was sent to Women's & Infant's Hospital for special diagnostic imaging. The result? Minute calcifications in the left breast. It was probably nothing, but just to be safe they scheduled me for a follow-up in May 2009.

In May 2009, I was working on my third relapse. Getting a mammogram was the last thing on my mind. My doctor called me to encourage me to go, but I explained that beating leukemia was my first priority. I figured I was getting enough toxins and radiation to hold off breast cancer.

When I read an article that Martina Naritalova recently had cancerous calcifications removed from her breast, I called to make an appointment for my follow-up. Except that Martina had been a guest at my house for a Marathon brunch, I never would have clicked on the article. Isn't it funny how we connect the dots of our world?

Today was my appointment and I'm pleased to say they saw nothing to worry about. The technician apologized for the discomfort she put me through, but I assured her that I wasn't bothered by it at all. How can I complain about a little breast wrenching after what I've been through.

Martina and I are cancer-free.