Sunday, September 7, 2008

They Say It's My Birthday

Being born is no picnic. I can attest to that because a year ago, I experienced a miraculous new birth day. I guess it was technically a virgin birth, too, but forgive me if I don't wade into theological waters.

On September 7, 2007, two bags of baby stem cells were infused into my bloodstream. Those cells did their job apparently, and here I still am. Believe me, a year ago today, I was barely existing. Today, I went for a 3-mile run, had breakfast with family and friends, and continued planting in my front garden, which is really just playing in the dirt, something my one-year old self naturally enjoys. Last night, my husband and friends threw a surprise party for me, complete with cake and a candle. I think there was supposed to be a ballon, but I've yet to receive it. Perhaps they realized it could be a choking hazard.

As grateful as I am to be here celebrating one year as a mixed-blood person, I think about two dear friends who've walked down the path I'm on: Ann, who had her own rebirthday yesterday, and Leah, who won't celebrate her rebirthday but joins me on mine.


Ann said...

Happy Re-Birthday! Like any one-year old worth their salt, I hope you attacked the cake face first.

Lea Morrison said...

I have been amazed with your comments on the LLS Boards- so supportive and caring. Then I found this blog/plog and just sat there and read through everything.
Happy one year! You have many birthdays ahead of you:)!

Ronni Gordon said...

Happy birthday!
You certainly are very wise and very articulate for a 1-year-old. Glad you got a good run in.
Many happy returns.

Anonymous said...

PJ .. What a wonderful milestone. Thank you for your blog entries over the past year and allowing us to travel with you on this journey. Dori

Anonymous said...

What a difference a year makes! Congratulations pj. We hope there are many more to come. :)

Sam, Graham, Jack & Poppy xxx