Monday, September 30, 2013

For Post-Menopausal Women Only ...

Ha, you couldn't resist, could you? I went to the Women's Radiology Center today in Monticello for a routine mammogram and a bone density scan. I scored average on the bone test (I hate being average, but glad I don't have osteoporosis, merely osteopenia). The boob screening went okay. New technology allows you to see the images immediately, but I have to get my "priors" for comparison.

Getting my last mammogram is turning out to be tricky. I couldn't remember where I had them done, so called my internist in NYC since she had ordered them. Her receptionist said she didn't know which I thought was strange since Dr. F. had called me with the results. She'd wanted me to go to NYU but I remember going to Beth Israel Radiology because I'd been there the year before, AND I remember being super-annoyed because they made me wait for over an hour wearing a thin hospital gown. For Beth Israel, I have to fill out a form, fax it to them and then wait up to 10 days to have the results sent to my doctor here.

It's never easy. And I'm going to discuss with my oncologist whether I should be getting these exams yearly because radiology sounds like radiation and I don't need more than is medically necessary.

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