Wednesday, February 27, 2008

My 15 Minutes of CyberFame

I'd better be careful what I write. It's come to my attention that my words have been shared in a college classroom in Iowa and have also been posted on facebook. I don't want to get too specific, because the next thing you know my comments will be turning up in The Hack Report, but I'd be lying if I told you I wasn't secretly pleased. Who writes who doesn't want to be read and quoted? If you saw my post on Plymouth, Mass. you apparently experienced a fine example of postmodern commentary on mythic historical events, my very own PoMo Moment. My professor niece used the post in her class the other day, as a counterpoint to William Bradford's narration of the Pilgrim Settlement. My other 7.5 minutes of fame are on display in my daughter's facebook profile, which you will not be able to see unless you're a) a facebook member b) one of her "friends." That will eliminate 95% of you. The rest can visit her page and read the exact quote, which she refers to as my "rant" on the topic of teenagers & rebellion. It's from an email I sent her last week in which I responded to her realization that she (3 weeks shy of 20) strongly dislikes teenagers. She may have quoted some other part.

"The basic stages of child-adult relationships: adore, cooperate, rebel, cooperate, peace. The peace part's achieved when you realize (reluctantly) that you've become your parents. "

Fame's expired. Please insert 25 cents for each additional minute.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can't WAIT to see the sweater!!! I've tried knitting once, in a very futile 5 minute exercise. Never again I said.

More power to you...