Saturday, May 30, 2009

Day at the Beach

Everyone needs to escape now and then. People in my situation, stuck in a hospital room having plenty of bleak, scary and sickening moments, often feel there's no escape. I found one.

I've discovered a way to visit every beach I've ever been to in Costa Rica. My mind focuses on these wonderful scenes and happy experiences, to the point where I can hear the surf and see palm trees waving in the sea breeze.

Yesterday was one of those especially trying days in which I had to travel to a very special beach, Playa Gringo, located on the mid-Pacific coast. Playa Gringo can only be reached by boat, really only by sea kayak, so it's ultra private. The white sand beach is crescent shaped, with perfect blue-green water, and is backed by a sheer cliff. You feel protected, as though you were in a cradle. The only people there are the people you know and want to be with. You can't help but relax, wrapped in a blanket of peace and happiness. It's truly a sanctuary.

I sense I'm going off the deep end a bit, so I'll end my description of paradise. You can see why I want to be there.

Update on yesterday's post: Since many of you have asked, I actually accomplished more than half the things on my to-do list despite the challenges of the day. I even did some of those things on Playa Gringo.


Ronni Gordon said...

Not only is it good for your spirits, but it's also good for your body to take those trips. Glad you had a nice escape. Some day you'll really be back there.

Anonymous said...

Get the heck outta dodge when you can! I have been to Costa Rica only once and I am sure have been to some of those beaches. Let your mind, spirt, and heart go to those beaches and have the sun shine on you.

You deserve it and need it! I think it actually is a survival tool and you my dear are one true warrior.

Have a fruity drink for me too-

Ann said...

Keep taking those virtual trips to keep yourself sane. My fingers are crossed that you get out of there ASAP.