Sunday, September 9, 2007

The Aussie Connection

Some of you have been wondering about references to Australian cord blood. One of the two units I received for my transplant was flown in from Oz. I'm pretty sure the other one was from the U.S. At some point, I'll have Australian blood flowing through my veins. I'll want to be stocking up on vege-mite (sp?) and Peter Carey novels. Anyone for Waltzin' Mathilda?

Things are pretty dull around here, which is a good thing. May they stay that way. I just took a "walk" out in the horseshoe-shaped pod, about 50 feet total back and forth back and forth. There are 8 other transplant patients on the pod, and a few non. We pretty much stay in our rooms because there's so little walking space, although I did see another woman out there who appeared to be about my age. I have to wear a serious mask when I'm out there, plus gloves. A little change of pace is good.

Marty will be here soon. Phone calls drift in. Still, the day has no shape and just spreads out over everything. I may have to break down and start watching TV.

This is my 10th day here.


lenbob said...

We're glad we could be there with you and, like the proverbial bad penny, we will be back. We've been thinking that now that you are part Aussie you should be aware of how that part is changing you. Here are the top ten things to look for.
10. You want to watch "On The Beach" at least once a day.
9. You dream about a "Crocodile Dundee" movie marathon.
8. You have an almost uncontrollable desire to throw a phone at Russell Crowe.
7. You want to marry and divorce Tom Cruise.
6. You want to stand on your head so your head is "down under."
5. You won't sleep next to a big rock in the desert becasuse that is how women get pregnant.
4. You now own a "barbie" and not a bbq grill.
3. You want Marty to get a big pouch and carry you around.
2. When you watch "Rabbit Fence" you want to run away from it all.
1. You're having Foster's Lager kegs delivered to the house.
Keep feeling better! Love from all the Entels and Hattinghs.

Anonymous said...

Hi Patti, I'm glad to see you're feeling a little better. I've been sharing your Plog with others here and Kathy asked me to give you all her best. We're all hoping that your process goes smoothly and for a speedy recovery.
P.S. -- Tell the nursing staff up there that Todd says hello