Friday, September 28, 2007

Wimpy Woman

Imagine that you feel pinned to the bed, a body-sized steel plate pressing down on you. Or that all your bodily fluids have been replaced with one of nature's heavier elements, one you never heard of, substantially heavier than lead. You can't do a thing, and you don't care. You just take up space and wonder how long the ghastly feeling will last.

This is how sheer exhaustion feels, how I felt most of Thursday. Fortunately, I began to feel better by late afternoon. But I am now forced to admit that wonder woman is dead, or at best, packed in mothballs. In her place is wimpy woman, a wan creature who cares little for perfection, feels close kinship with slugs and sloths, and who is learning that doing nothing can be a good thing.

I wanted to tell you about the bad reaction I had today to a platelet infusion, but I can't. My battery is just about out of juice.

More tomorrow ...

1 comment:

Ann said...

Even wonder woman needs a day off. I'd say you're pretty amazing for going through what you did with such aplomb. It gets better very slowly. Being able to get the cap off of a bottle of water will feel like winning the battle of Waterloo. Remember, I thought the pigeons and squirrels were plotting against me. They had their chance. :) You'll do it, no questions about it.